
Boilermaker Road Race

Website Registration

The Boilermaker Road Race is a prominent running event held annually in Utica, New York. Scheduled for July 13, 2025, it features multiple race options, including a 15K race, a 5K race, a wheelchair 15K, and virtual versions of both the 15K and 5K. The event is known for its vibrant atmosphere, with participants receiving various incentives such as pint glasses, medals, and pins.

Registration is tiered and capped, encouraging early sign-ups. The race promotes a safe environment, adhering to public health guidelines, and prohibits certain items like headphones and strollers on the course. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
15 km
15k Race
15 km
Wheelchair 15k
5 km
5k Race
Virtual 15k Race
Virtual 5k Race

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