
Hot Fudge Sundae Run


The Hot Fudge Sundae Run is a fun-filled running event taking place in Fresno, CA, featuring a 5k run/walk, a 2-mile walk (not timed), and a virtual run option. Participants can enjoy a delicious hot fudge sundae post-race, complete with a variety of toppings. The event supports St.

Jude Children's Research Hospital, contributing to childhood cancer research. All participants receive an event shirt, a custom finisher's medallion, and downloadable photos of their sundae creations. The race also includes awards for age groups and overall winners, making it a delightful experience for families and friends. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
5 km
5k Run/walk
2m Walk (not Timed)
Virtual Run

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