
The Cherokee - Tellico Plains, TN

Website Registration

The Cherokee is an ultra trail running event taking place in Tellico Plains, TN, featuring two challenging distances: 70K and 130K. Participants will navigate the scenic and rugged terrain of the Cherokee National Forest, with significant elevation gains of over 10,000 feet for the 70K and 19,000 feet for the 130K. The course includes historical trails and breathtaking views, honoring the area's rich heritage.

Runners must meet specific gear requirements and have completed a qualifying ultra in the past 18 months. Awards will be given to the top finishers, and all participants registered by June 1 will receive swag items. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
130 km
70 km

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