
4 Fore 30 Infinity Backyard Ultra

Website Registration

The 4 Fore 30 Infinity Backyard Ultra is an exciting endurance running event taking place in Macks Creek, MO. Celebrating its 8th year, this unique race follows the format of Big's Backyard Ultra, where participants must complete a 4.1667-mile loop within one hour, repeating this process until only one runner remains. The event promotes community spirit, with all profits benefiting the Kids' Harbor Child Advocacy Center.

Runners can expect race swag, food at aid stations, and a supportive atmosphere. The race has no cap on participants, making it an inclusive challenge for all endurance enthusiasts. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
4 mi
4.1667 Miles

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