
Lake Of The Ozarks Endurance Runs

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The Lake of the Ozarks Endurance Runs features three exciting races: the Wandering Bobcat 5 Miler, the Trail of Four Winds 25K, and the LOZ Traverse, which combines running and paddling. Set in Missouri's largest state park, participants will experience scenic trails, challenging terrain, and beautiful lake views. The event culminates in a post-race TrailFest, offering food, drinks, music, and awards.

Runners can enjoy various amenities, including aid stations and professional photographs. The event also supports the Magic Dragon Trails initiative, encouraging donations to enhance local trails. Camping options are available nearby for participants and their families. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
35 mi
Loz Traverse
25 km
Trail of Four Winds 25k
5 mi
Wandering Bobcat 5 Miler

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