
Blossom to Bottle 5K Run

Website Registration

The Blossom to Bottle 5K Run & 3K Walk is scheduled for April 12, 2025, in Bedford, Virginia. This event features a 5K run, a 3K walk, and a virtual 5K option, allowing participants to join from anywhere. The course is chip-timed and offers a scenic route through apple fields and picturesque mountain views.

Participants can enjoy amenities such as free wine samples, door prizes, and a campfire with s'mores. Awards will be given for the 5K run across various age divisions, while the 3K and virtual events do not have awards. Registration opens on February 3, 2025. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
5 km
3k Walk
5k (virtual)

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