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Denver Colfax Marathon

Website Registration

The Denver Colfax Marathon is a premier running event held annually in Denver, Colorado, featuring a variety of races including a full marathon, half marathon, urban 10 miler, and a marathon relay. Scheduled for May 17-18, 2025, this event showcases the city's iconic landmarks and offers participants a unique experience, including a mile through the Denver Zoo. The marathon is recognized as a Boston qualifier and is celebrated for its vibrant post-race festivities, including live music and food.

With options for all skill levels, the Colfax Marathon is a highlight of the local running calendar. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
26 mi
26 mi
Marathon Relay
13 mi
Half Marathon
10 mi
Urban 10 Miler
5 km

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