
Furnace 5K Run

Website Registration

The Fleet Feet 8th Annual Furnace 5K Run and Kids Dash is a vibrant running event taking place in Stuart, Florida. This exciting race features a 5K run/walk, a Kids Dash, and a unique "Going Old School" option for participants who prefer not to receive a shirt or medal. Additionally, there is a virtual option for those who wish to participate remotely.

The course is set in the scenic North River Shores neighborhood, promoting a fun and engaging atmosphere. Participants can earn a long-sleeve race hoodie, and the event emphasizes environmental responsibility with a "Leave No Trace" policy. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
5 km
5k Run/walk
5 km
Going Old School - No Shirt/no Medal
Kids Dash
Virtual - the Furnace 5k

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