
The Ripper - Sunrise to Sunset

Website Registration

The Ripper - Sunrise to Sunset is a unique timed running event taking place on May 10, 2025, at the Pocomoke YMCA in Maryland. Participants will have 14 hours and 6 minutes to complete as many laps as possible on a 3.75-mile trail course, primarily consisting of single-track paths with some rolling hills. Runners can start and stop at their discretion, with a well-stocked aid station available for support.

The event emphasizes community and eco-friendliness, with awards for the top finishers. All runners will receive a recognition piece upon completion, making it a memorable experience for all involved. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
3 mi
3.75-Ish Mile Course

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