
Buck Creek Streak 5k Trail Run

Website Registration

The Buck Creek Streak 5K Trail Run is an annual event held at the Carolina Foothills Resort, combining fun, beautiful trails, and good food. This clothing-optional race offers participants the choice between a 5K and a 7.3K run, with the latter also entering them into the 5K competition. Awards are given for the top three finishers in the 5K, along with a special finisher's medal for those completing the 7.3K Mike Ward Challenge, which honors a beloved member of the community.

Registration includes a T-shirt and a delicious lunch, making it a festive day for all participants. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Always double-check with the organizer's website – things can change, and we might have sprinted past a few details!
7 km
7.3k Trail Run
5 km
5k Trail Run

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